港式奶茶 Hong Kong-style Milk Tea

About Us

Premium Hong Kong-style Milk Tea & Tea Blend for the Greater Seattle Area. 

We source premium quality of various Ceylon tea leaves from Sir Lanka to make it our secret blend, which is a special blend formulated for Hong Kong-style Milk Tea, Breakfast Tea. 

What makes our Hong Kong-style milk tea so special is that it has a smooth texture, and you can taste a depth in tea flavor and pronounced aromas. Our version of H.K. milk tea is a modern premium twist on top of traditional, fulfilling our mission to offer a healthy and refreshing alternative to the traditional with only the best and natural ingredients. 

香港生活節奏怏,到茶餐廳飲奶茶是為了方便,茶餐加一杯濃郁的奶茶送口提神,一般客人對茶葉品質要求不高,奶茶或只是配角。 考慮成本效益大多茶餐廳採購現成拼配好的平價碎茶葉,所以經常遇到幾家味道一樣的奶茶,沒有獨家特色。偶然遇到好喝的都是由有經驗的沖茶師父自家拼配。普遍港式奶茶奶脂蓋過茶,滿口油膩感;茶味不突出,好快消失;或者太苦澀濃郁蓋過茶的甘香,對健康也有不良影響。


經過十年時間研究和試驗,今日的「Silk+ Tea 秘方拼配茶 」是選用斯里蘭卡高山錫蘭茶以黃金比例拼配沖泡的奶茶層次豐富,茶香濃郁,口感順滑,回甘悠長,是我們「👑皇后港式奶茶」獨有的特色。以傳統技藝沖泡出現代口感,把茶餐廳風味推到更高層次!
